To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, Acts 26:18a
August 2023
Blantyre, Malawi Africa
Time as simply flown by since the first trip to Malawi in 2021. It's hard to imagine this was our 4th trip over there. We have now had 1 million John and Romans shipped to Malawi and by the end of the 5th campaign there, by the grace of God we should have all them distributed. Who knows, if you join us on the 5th campaign you may be the person to hand out the 1 millionth John and Romans. We obviously will never know exact number. We are there by the grace of God, simply as willing soldiers trying to win the lost, one soul at a time! If you have the ability, time, and resources to go, will you pray about joining us on the next campaign?
June 2023
The very beginning of Campagins for Christ started with a smaller vision. One that included only Latin America. This was where the vision began to grow to include the continent of Africa and many other countries. When the Lord blesses something, He tends to use the small things to accomplish great this. No one person could ever accomplish the work and ministry that has been seen done. It has to be done by individuals, surrendered to God's will and their desire to fulfill the Great Commission.
It was our privilege to go as a team of fellow soldiers and take the gospel to this front line. We saw much opposition on this trip but the Lord blessed!
April 2023
Lilongwe, Malawi Africa
The Lord truly is not willing that any should perish. His mission work is growing and prospering on the Malawian field. This was the second campaign for us going to Malawi. The Lord saw fit to bring together a large team of people to hand out the most CFC has ever had the privilege to.
In this gallery of photos you will see many answers to prayers, YOUR prayers. The Lord blessed this trip in every way. He continued to give the strength to get carry out this campaign and sustained us every step of the way. Enjoy a small peek into what some would say was the bestest two weeks of the year.
August 2022
Mzuzu, Malawi Africa
Time: 10:15 AM, August 1st, 2022
Destination: Mzuzu, Malawi
That morning, the first CFC team started the long 36 hour flight to "the warm heart of Africa".
For a few faithful native pastors along side missionary David Robinson and his family, this campaign had already started months in advance.
For those leaving their family and comforts of home, this was the begin of one of the best trips of their lives! "We were tired, exhausted but so very blessed to be able to bring the gospel to dear souls of the Malawians."
FALL 2021
This gallery is a compilation of photos from the survey trip our director, Dave Darling, took during his stay there in the last week of September 2021. The Lord prospered his trip and allowed all the details to fall into place to schedule the scripture campaign for the fall of 2022. He spent time with the hosting missionary who we will be working with during the campaign. If you'd like to know a little more about the established work already there, here is a link to their website.​
Click the link below to see the images and a short video of Dave Darling's survey trip there.
COVID did it's best to shut this campaign down but God, who commanded the winds and seas "pease be still" remains the same today and forever! With a few schedule tweaks and changes in plan the Lord blessed this trip and prospered our way!
This campaign was a great success! Praise the Lord we were able to even visit 3 refugee camps and give them a chance to hear the gospel! With a huge focus on giving out the word of God, the Lord blessed in every way and many soul heard the Good News!​
FALL 2021
September 27th 2021, a team of 33 left for the “Minas for Christ” campaign in Itajuba and Pouso Alegre, Brazil.
The 33 individuals who left comforts of home, family and church to be part of this trip were blessed to see the Lord's hand of blessing at work. Lasting for two weeks, the campaign held 2 evangelistic meetings, saw about 105 souls saved, 70,000 John and Roman scriptures distributed and 300 solid contacts collected for the staying missionaries to later follow up with.
Click the link below to see the complete gallery of images taken during the trip.
This was the beginning of what we pray will be many campaigns to bring the gospel and scriptures to countries round the world! This is a photo album documenting the events of Campaigns for Christ's first trip.
Lord willing, this campaign will be the first of three scripture campaigns in southern Africa. Sign up to our newsletter to read updates and get notifications dates of the next two campaigns. Will you prayerfully consider joining us?