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A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

May - June 2024


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


It’s been about three weeks since we returned from our Malawi campaign and as I look back I am amazed to see how the Lord blessed the campaign. It was our fourth campaign in Malawi and during the 12 days the Lord allowed us to hand out 293,000 John and Romans and hold three major evangelistic meetings in three different cities with an estimated 3,000 people total in attendance. There were 414 people who signed up for the 12-week discipleship classes which have already started. We thank the Lord for the prayers and support of all the people who made this possible. The Lord blessed us with a great team of 24 people from 10 different states and even a young man from South Africa.


    We are so thankful for all the veteran missionaries we’ve been privileged to work with over the years. They’re the ones who have left their families and homes in the United States to live their lives on the foreign field. They have had many tearful goodbyes to families and friends not knowing when or if they will ever see them again this side of glory. They’ve spent years, sometimes decades learning the language, dealing with visa renewals and government bureaucracy, many trials, sicknesses and oppositions that are never mentioned in prayer letters. Despite this, their love for their Saviour has allowed them to keep plowing the fields and preparing the ground. It is their sacrifice and perseverance that allows us to come with our groups to help them plant more seeds and reap the harvest. The more we work with these missionaries the more burdened we are as a ministry to help them get everything they need to be fruitful for God on the foreign field in these last days. Scriptures, encouragement, manpower to spread the gospel, assist them in training of the new converts, and some more encouragement so that we can: “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain” Rev 3:2a 


Please pray that the Lord would continue to provide for the ministry to accomplish what He has intended and for the Lord to raise up a “few good men” to assist us in leadership roles on the campaigns. We need men for part time assistants and team leaders as the Lord enables us to do more campaigns each year. He has already provided good missionaries to work with, scriptures, shipping of scriptures and campaign participants. If the Lord continues to open more doors as He has, we will need godly men with good leadership skills and a heart for missions to help us. Please pray that the Lord will provide as needed.


Ministry highlights and prayer requests: 


Praises & Thanks

  • Sometime towards the end of the last campaign we handed out our one millionth John and Romans since our 1st campaign in Camargo, Mexico in April of 2019.We never dreamed the ministry would grow so fast and we’re extremely thankful for the Lord’s blessing, guidance and provision and for all the various ministries and the individuals who joined us on the foreign field to distribute scriptures. It’s a great example of God’s people working together with a vision to reach the lost. 

  • Our 4th container to Malawi was shipped on April 16th and is scheduled to arrive in Mzuzu, Malawi in early July. Please pray it will arrive on time for the August campaign. 

  • The August Malawi campaign is filled with 26 people.

  • The Lord seems be opening several more doors for possible campaigns in 2025: Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea and Mexico. Please pray with us for the Lord’s guidance and direction.

  • We were able to coordinate the shipping of a container of scriptures to Zimbabwe with 9,120 Shona Bibles, 4,860 Portuguese Bibles (for Mozambique), 16,200 Portuguese John & Romans, 90,000 Ndebele John & Romans (Zimbabwe), 3,240 English New Testaments, 18,000 English John and Romans, and 270,000 Fellowship tract league Shona tracts. We thank Bearing Precious Seed and Fellowship tract league for the scriptures and Couriers for Christ for shipping the container.


Prayer Requests

  • The August 5th – 18th Malawi campaign. 

  • To be able to produce a pigeon bilingual translation for campaign(s) in Papua New Guinea in 2025. 

  • The 3-day survey trip to Zimbabwe prior to the August Malawi campaign. 

  • We have a survey trip to Papua New Guinea scheduled for Sept 11th – 26th. Please pray for safety, good health, guidance and wisdom for the missionaries and me as we plan a campaign there for 2025.

  • For upcoming conferences and presentations of the CFC ministry in Virgina and Maryland in late June and Alaska in late July. Please let us know if you would like us to present in your church.


Thank you for your Prayers and Support,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58


Our multi-national team in Malawi, two of the 290,000+ souls that received a scripture, 

most for the 1st time in their lives.




A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

February 2024


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


Praise the Lord, the last few months have been very eventful and extremely fruitful! Thank you for your prayers and support. Please pray about joining us on one of the Malawi campaigns this summer. Both the April and the August campaigns have 3-6 slots open. Lord willing we will have over 500,000 John and Romans to distribute on the 2 campaigns. Please see our website for more details. Here are some of the ministry highlights:


•We just returned from our Merida, Mexico Campaign. It was one of the most fruitful

campaigns we’ve done in Mexico. Three evangelistic services were held, each one was well attended and many people came forward to receive the Lord as their Saviour. Over 52,000 John and Romans were distributed (each with a list of 20 churches on the back) and an invitation to attend the evangelistic services.

•Praise the Lord this was our 9th campaign since our 1st one in 2019. In the last 4 active years (excluding 2020) we have been able to distribute over 700,000 John and Romans.

•Throughout the Merida campaign over 250 people received Christ as their Saviour and they have already been followed up with by the missionary Mitch Muller, to attend a Bible study.

•In the town of Hunucma they will be holding their 1st church meeting this weekend.

•In the town of Motul an elderly Mexican pastor was able to preach the evangelistic meeting where he was run out of town by people throwing stones 51 years ago. Several dozen were saved in that city and a new fellowship will start there this Saturday.

•We have one container on the way to Malawi for the April campaign and another one will be shipped soon for the August campaign. There are 480,000 John and Romans, 200,000 Chick Tracts and 650,000 Fellowship Tract League tracts on those 2 containers. We thank the Lord for all the ministries that provide the scriptures and paid for the shipping of them.

•In October we started to present the ministry in churches to raise support for the campaigns. The ministry was presented in 3 Ohio churches, 2 churches and a large camp meeting in Texas. In the next few months, we have 4 meetings in Michigan and 5 in Washington and Oregon.

•There are 3 church plants in Lilongwe, Malawi as a result of the April 2023 campaign. Each one of these is regularly attended by between 28-40 people.

•Our website was recently updated with the recent campaign photos as well as the new 13 minute CFC video that will be shown in churches.


Prayer Requests:

•For the Malawi containers to arrive on schedule.

•For the March 1 st Yucatan, Mexico Campaign

•For the April 22nd and August 5th Malawi campaigns.

•For guidance and wisdom planning the 2025 campaigns. Several countries are being prayed about.

•For a possible mini campaign in an undisclosed middle eastern country around Christmas

time this year. This campaign will NOT be on our website. If we are able to go forward with

it we will reach out to a small group of people who have been on our previous campaigns.

• For safety and good health for all the traveling in 2024. It will be our busiest year ever.


In closing we would like to say that when we mention the numbers of scriptures handed out or the number of souls coming forward to be saved, we hope to give God the glory for all that He is

accomplishing and that it would be an encouragement to the brethren. We realize that there are many areas of the world (like here in the US) that are very hard to the gospel and it may take years to see any real fruit. Those of you who diligently toil in those fields whether in America or overseas are truly a blessing. Keep on sowing the seed! We are all part of the same body laboring for our Saviour! The Lord’s blessing and your prayers are essential for these campaigns. Thank you for your prayers!!


Thank you for your Prayers and Support,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58


Preaching meeting in front of Catholic Church


American and Mexican campaign team


People coming forward to get saved


New sister in Christ gets a Bible




A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

October 2023


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


Thank you for your prayers and support. It has been a very fruitful year and the Lord continues opening more doors for us to go through to reach men with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Please pray about joining us on one of the Mexico campaigns this winter. We have 200,000 scriptures to distribute but we need your help to distribute them!


You can see our campaigns page for more details.


Here are some of the ministry highlights:



•The Blantyre Campaign was a tremendous success. Despite country wide fuel shortages our team of 27 people from the States, 40+ Malawians and 2 missionary families distributed 223,000 John and Romans and over 70,000 gospel tracts.


• We had 4 main evangelistic meetings attended by over 3000 people. Over 500 people came forward to receive the Lord as their Saviour. We also had an evangelistic service in a small village where 20 or so souls were saved including 2 village chiefs.


• There are 112 people in the Blantyre discipleship group as a result of the August campaign. They’ve been meeting for 6 hours every Saturday and for 4 hours on Sunday afternoon for the last 4 weeks. The classes will continue for a total of 10-12 weeks.


• There are ninety people meeting in 3 groups that meet every Sunday in Lilongwe. They are a result of the April Lilongwe campaign and are excited to start their own churches.


• Missionary David Robinson and his men, Daniel, MarcAnthony, Alex and Chris will be starting up a 3-day pastors training in November. Lord willing these will be held several times a year to help the new converts and young Pastors to get grounded in the word of God.


• After seeking the Lord and consulting with several Pastors we have moved into the next phase for the CFC Ministry. We will be presenting the ministry in churches to raise funds for the logistical expenses of the campaigns, discipleship training, pastors training and possible church planting. The Lord opened these doors quickly and I already am invited to present the ministry in 14 churches or mission conferences between now and April.


• Our website was recently updated with the recent campaign photos as well as the new 11- minute CFC video that will be shown in churches.


Prayer Requests:

• For the Lord to put together His teams for the 4 upcoming 2024 campaigns.


• For the upcoming survey trip to the Yucatan in Mexico in early November. I will be working with Missionary Mitch Muller to coordinate all the logistics for the 2 winter campaigns.


• For the 200,000 John and Romans to arrive in Mexico and the 520,000 for Malawi to arrive in time for the four 2024 campaigns.


• For a very busy schedule. A survey trip to Mexico, 2 Mexico campaigns, 1 Malawi campaign and 14 meetings between now and April. We would really appreciate your prayers!


In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

May 2023


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” - Ephesians 3:20-21  


That verse summarizes the results of the 2023 Lilongwe campaign. By the grace of God we were able to hand out a record 247,000 copies of the John and Roman scriptures. That is an amazing number for 8 days on the streets! It would be the equivalent of giving a scripture to everyone in 3 of the largest football stadiums in the US.  If laid end to end the scriptures would go on for 31 miles. On one day alone we gave out a record 78,300 scriptures! Praise the Lord only HE can allow something of this magnitude to take place. What a blessing to see them so readily received.


The 3 evangelistic services were attended by a total of 5-6000 people with over 500 people receiving the Lord as their Saviour and 471 signing up for discipleship courses. What a joy it was to see dozens of people come forward at each meeting to receive Christ as their Saviour. Even though it was disappointing to run out of scriptures, there was great joy realizing that over 247,000 souls received the Word of God! On the last day we were able to go to a small village and after getting permission from the village chief we had an impromptu evangelistic service which resulted in the salvation of 20 more souls. It was a great way to end the campaign.


Lord willing, there will be one more campaign in August with 224,000 scriptures available to distribute in Blantyre, Malawi and plans are already underway for 2 more Malawi campaigns for 2024. Please pray that the Lord will continue to bless the efforts and that He would put together HIS teams to join us on these endeavors. In addition to the Malawi campaign, we will also be working with Bearing Precious Seed El Paso to do a campaign in Cuauhtémoc, Mexico starting June 23rd.  Lord willing our team of 24 people will be distributing 60,000 John and Romans and holding several evangelistic services.


We would really appreciate your prayers for these upcoming campaigns as it takes a great amount of planning and finances to make these campaigns happen. The dues that participants pay to go on the Malawi campaigns only pay a portion of the expenses that are necessary for a campaign to take place. The Lord has supplied the needs for past campaigns through the generosity of His saints. If there are any who wish to have a part in the work being done in Malawi, please reach out to us.  Please pray for Missionary David Robinson and his 4-man leadership team as they will spend hundreds of hours planning for these efforts and discipling all the new converts. We are also praying that these Malawian men would be able to get supported full time to assist in the evangelism of Malawi. Thank you for your prayers and support, they are greatly appreciated. 


Specific Prayer requests:


  • June Cuauhtémoc Mexico Campaign

  • August Malawi Campaign Scriptures to arrive in Blantyre, Malawi.

  • 2 more containers of scripture for 2024

  • For people to join us on the campaigns in 2024.

  • Planning and finances for future campaigns

  • Full time support for the 4 Malawian Pastors to disciple new converts and help facilitate future campaigns with Missionary David Robinson.


In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

April 2023


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a



After 8 months and hundreds of hours of planning the Lilongwe Scripture distribution campaign is here! Lord willing 19 of us will be leaving from Chicago Monday Morning, April 17th for Malawi. We have printed 150,000 invitations for the evangelistic services and 247,000 John and Romans are available for distribution. We are very excited to see what the Lord will do in the upcoming 2 weeks. We are very thankful for all the work that has been done to make this campaign possible. Hundreds of people have been involved from the printing and collation of all the scriptures to the numerous individuals and various ministries that donated their time and money. For those of us leaving Monday we Thank you for allowing us to have the privilege to distribute the Word of God in Malawi. Despite all the planning we know it all depends on prayer. It is imperative that the Lord intercede and bless His campaign if there is to be any eternal fruit. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for the campaign.


Please pray, especially for the following items:

  • That the Lord would already be working in the hearts of the people of Malawi. We pray that they would have a genuine spiritual interest, take the John and Romans, come to one of the 3 main evangelistic services (April 21st, 22nd & 25th at 5pm local time, 10AM Central Time)  and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

  • For wisdom and guidance as we try to reach the capital city with over 1 ½ million souls,

  • That we would have good weather (no rain).

  • For good health and safety of all the participants.

  • For a spirit of unity and cooperation among all the people involved. 

  • For the Lord to bless the preaching at the evangelistic services and for the Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of all those in attendance and the Lord would open their eyes to their need of salvation..

  • That we could be a blessing and an encouragement to the Malawian Christians that they might be encouraged to reach their people long after we leave. 


Thank you for your prayers and support.


In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

March 2023


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


    ** Please note prayer requests on page two. Your prayers are essential

 for the success of these campaigns. **



During the last 3 months the Lord has done some amazing things with the Campaigns for Christ Ministry.  I have listed several of them below.  It is very encouraging to see how the Lord continues to guide us in His work to reach lost souls with the Gospel. 


Here are some highlights:

  • The first container of scriptures (247,000 John & Romans and 3300 whole Bibles) arrived safely on February 3rd and is already stored in Lilongwe for the April Campaign. 

  • On February 23rd a 2nd container was shipped to Blantyre, Malawi for the August campaign and for the 2024 campaign(s).  There are 215,000 John & Romans, 15,000 New Testaments and 54,000 Gospel tracts on that shipment.

  • A special thanks to Bearing Precious Seed in Milford, Ohio for printing the John & Romans and New Testaments, to Wings Bearing Precious Seed ministries for shipping the 1st container and to the Baptist Couriers for Christ for shipping the 2nd container.  Many other ministries and individuals have also contributed, and we are very grateful for their prayers and support. 

  • Both Malawi campaigns are filled with a total of 48 people!  And the Cuauhtémoc, Mexico campaign is also filled with 19 people.  Praise the Lord, a total of 67 people (from 11 different states and 2 Canadian provinces) will be joining us for the 3 campaigns within a 4-month period.  Lord willing, we should be able to distribute over 300,000 scriptures during that time and hold 8-10 evangelistic meetings.  Please pray for these campaigns, it should be a very busy and prayerfully, fruitful summer!   


Missionary David Robinson receiving the 1st container of 250,00 scriptures in Lilongwe, Malawi and the packing and praying over the 2nd container of 224,000 Scriptures and tracts for Blantyre. 












Prayer requests:

  • In a little over a month, we will leave for Malawi.  Please pray for the souls there to receive the gospel with a genuine spiritual interest and that the Lord would already be preparing their hearts. 

  • For the 2nd container to arrive safely in Malawi by July.

  • Pray for the leadership team in Malawi: Missionary David Robinson, Daniel, Alex, Mark and Chris and also Jason Sadek (my assistant) and myself.  Pray that the Lord would give us the wisdom, discernment, and His protection to carry out this work.  We know there will be great resistance if we are endeavoring to distribute over 300,000 scriptures in 4 months. 

  • Please pray for the work schedules for the Malawian leaders.  They said they are ready to leave their jobs to take part in the campaigns; pray that they could get the time off.  While their dedication is commendable and very convicting, pray they will be able to keep their jobs and get the time off.  Their involvement is critical to the success of the campaign.

  • That Malawi would lift their covid testing requirement required for entry to the country.

  • For The Lords guidance for 2024 campaigns. I just heard of a potential opportunity in 2 other African countries. 

  • We are also praying about additional campaigns “closer to home” possibly central America and the Caribbean. Please contact us if you know of a missionary who would have the vision to host a campaign. 


Upcoming campaigns: 

** Please prayerfully consider joining us next year **

  • Lilongwe, Malawi April 17-29, 2023.  Cost $3400 from Chicago. - FILLED

  • Cuauhtémoc, Mexico (west of Chihuahua) June 23- July 3, 2023.  Cost $800 - FILLED

  • Blantyre, Malawi August 14-27, 2023.  Cost $3400 from Chicago. - FILLED

  • Malawi – Exact city to be determined….  April 15-28, 2024.  More details on our website in the next couple months.  Contact us if you are interested.


    In summary we would like to thank everyone who has supported this ministry by volunteering your time, for your prayers and financial donations.  It is truly a blessing.  I am greatly encouraged by all the people who have dedicated themselves to join us on these campaigns.  Their sacrifice of money, time away from family and the challenge of traveling for 30 hours to a country on the other side of the world is commendable.  For most people it is way outside their comfort zone but the Lord gets the glory in their sacrifice. 


 “And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”  Romans 10:15


 Thank you for your prayers!  These results would not have been possible without it!

Please let us know if you would like to have the Campaigns for Christ Ministry presented in your church.  Our staff is self-supported so any funds raised would go directly to Scripture campaigns, Thanks. 


In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

November 2022


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a



During the last 3 months the Lord has done some amazing things with the Campaigns for Christ Ministry.  I have listed several of them below.  It is very encouraging to see how the Lord has touched so many people’s hearts from so many different ministries with the final objective of reaching lost souls for Christ.  It is very amazing to see how the Lord is working. 


Here are some highlights:

  • Just today missionary Bro. David Robinson and his leadership team of Daniel Nyirena, Alex Mwenekifungwe, Mark Anthony and Chris Madasi finished their survey trip for the Lilongwe Campaign.  They made arrangements for lodging, transportation, food, sound systems, meeting places, storage facility for the scriptures, etc.  This planning is essential for the success and efficiency of future campaigns.  I am very grateful for the dedication and organization of these men.  Lord willing, they will assist in all future Campaigns in Malawi. Please keep them in your prayers, that the Lord would bless their efforts as they are doing this on a volunteer basis and taking time away from their regular jobs. 

  • Last week my wife and I and another couple had the privilege to travel to Oshkosh, Wisconsin to help load the container of scriptures for Malawi.  There is now 185,000 Bilingual John and Romans, 62,000 Chichewa J&R and 3,300 whole Bibles on the way to Malawi.  

  • Bearing Precious Seed Ministries in Milford, Ohio agreed to donate 150,000 more Bilingual John and Romans to be shipped in the next 3 months along with 46,000 more Chichewa scriptures and 2-3,000 more whole Bibles.  That will bring our scripture total to over 400,000 which will hopefully be enough for the next 3 campaigns.  Including the 100,000 given out last August in Mzuzu that could bring the total scripture distribution in Malawi to 500,000 in less than 2 years. Praise the Lord!

  • A young man in our church, Thou Yang, put together a short video of the 2022 Malawi campaign with an admonition for people to join us on future campaigns.  Bro. Gene Kim volunteered to post it on his website and since then over 130,000 people have viewed the video.  As a result, many donations have come in to help support future campaigns and prayerfully more people have their hearts touched for reaching the lost whether in Malawi or in their own neighborhood. 

  • Our April campaign to Malawi is already about 75% filled; we have some signed up for the August Campaign as well.  If you are praying about either of these please sign up soon.  We have 20 slots available for each campaign.


Prayer requests:

  • Please pray for the containers to arrive in Malawi in a timely manner and without huge import expenses, etc.  The 1st container should arrive mid January and the 2nd one a couple months later.

  • Pray for the leadership team mentioned above, Bro David Robinson, Daniel, Alex, Mark, Chris, Jason Sadek (my assistant) and myself.  Pray that the Lord would give us the wisdom, discernment, and His protection to carry out this work. 

  • Pray that the Lord would put His team of people together in the months ahead to join us in the harvest and that He would begin to prepare the hearts of the Malawians to receive the gospel.

  • That Malawi would lift their covid testing requirement required for entry to the country.

Upcoming campaigns:  ** Please prayerfully consider joining us ****                                                          “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest !!”*

  • Lilongwe, Malawi April 17th – 29th.  Cost $3400 from Chicago.

  • Cuauhtémoc, Mexico (west of Chihuahua) June 23rd - July 3rd 2023.  Cost $800 from El Paso. (This is a tentative trip, please let us know soon if you are interested.)

  • Blantyre, Malawi August 14th - 27th 2023.  Cost $3400 from Chicago.


    In summary, we would like to thank everyone who has supported this ministry by volunteering your time, for your prayers and financial donations.  It is truly a blessing.  The people who have had a part in this ministry are too numerous to mention: retirees and volunteers who assemble the scriptures, churches that volunteer to pay for and assemble scriptures, Pastors from all over the country who have encouraged us and supported us financially and have encouraged their congregations to join us and fellow believers from all over the world that subscribed to our website and said they would pray for the ministry. 


Thank you for your prayers!  These results would not have been possible without it!

Please let us know if you would like to have the Campaigns for Christ Ministry presented in your Church.  Our staff is self-supported so any funds raised would go directly to Scripture campaigns, Thanks. 











Praying over the container of scriptures and the Leadership Team Left to Right: Bro. Jason Sadek, Chris Madiasi, Pastor Alex, Missionary David Robinson, Pastor Daniel, Evangelist Mark Anthony, and Dave Darling.


In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

July 2022


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


Praise the Lord, I am writing this while flying back on the plane from El Paso, Texas. We just finished a 7 day outreach in Juarez, Mexico with 12 people. Seven of the people came as a direct result of our commercial on Final Fight Bible Radio. Even though the group was small the Lord allowed us to have a fruitful trip. It was a blessing to work with people from Florida, Tennessee, Michigan, Texas and Minnesota. At the last minute the Lord opened the doors to go in to 2 Haitian and one Honduran refugee centers. We were able to preach the gospel to them and had one soul saved at the Haitian camp. At one of the camps the message was translated into Spanish and French Creole. We also had 3 meetings in city parks to help the existing churches. Each of them were attended by between 75-100 people. We also distributed over 10,000 John and Romans in markets, plazas, and along highway medians. Each portion of scripture contained a bookmark with the contact information for 5 local churches. We should have the photos from this outreach on our website soon.


Lord willing, on August 1st, we will be taking a team of 23 people to Malawi, Africa for a scripture distribution campaign. We have 100,000 bi-lingual (Chichewa and English) scriptures there ready to be handed out by our team of Malawians and Americans. Bro. David Robinson has done a great job of organizing the campaign. There will be a team of up to 40 Pastors and Bible Institute students from around the country to labor with us. This will give them a clear vision for future campaigns and help them be more effective evangelizing their own country. I will be staying over an extra 3 days to help with the organizing of the April ‘23 campaign in the capitol city of Lilongwe.


PLEASE PRAY FOR THE CAMPAIGN. It will be a spiritual battle since, if the Lord allows, it will be the first of 3 campaigns in the country over the next 2 years to distribute over 300,000 scriptures. ***


We are currently in the process of raising the funds for the 200,000 scriptures that will be used in future campaigns. The scriptures are bi-lingual, KJV English and Chichewa. We were able to produce them for only $.15 a piece (less than a 1/2 cup of gas). A $50.00 donation would get the gospel into the hands of 330 souls. We are also looking to fill the next 2 campaigns with like minded soul winners who would like to help us hand out scriptures in a place where most everyone will accept the Word of God. Would you prayerfully consider joining us? As always the price includes all food, lodging, transportation and medical insurance round trip from Chicago.



In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

April 2022


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


Praise the Lord, an amazing amount has happened in the Campaigns for Christ ministry since the last newsletter. By the Grace of God and due to the overwhelming support and cooperation from many individuals and ministries, many exciting items have been accomplished in the last several months:

  •  The scriptures that were donated to us have arrived for the 1st campaign in Mzuzu, Malawi.

  •  Praise the Lord, Malawi lifted their vaccination requirements for people arriving in their country about 4 weeks ago. Please pray it would not be reinstated.

  • Bro. Tim Carpenter of Bearing Precious Seed Ministries agreed to organize the printing of another 200,000 bilingual John and Romans for future campaigns in Malawi. Our initial conversation took place a little over a month ago and the scriptures are already at the BPS printing facility in Oshkosh, WI. Lord willing, they are getting teams together to begin assembly of those scriptures in early May. We are still in the fundraising portion of that. Each scripture costs about .25 to produce. $100 would pay for 400 scriptures into the hands of the Malawian people.

  • We were given an additional 80,000 Chichewa scriptures by BPS that will be shipped with the 200,000 bilingual ones.

  • Praise the Lord, another ministry has stepped forward and volunteered to pay for the shipping costs to get the scriptures to Malawi once they are assembled.

  • We have begun taking applications for our 2nd Malawi campaign. Our Lilongwe, Malawi campaign will be held April 17th – 29th, 2023. The cost will
    be $3100.

  • Lord willing, we will be printing a QR code on the back cover for all the scriptures used in our campaigns. This code will connect the viewer to a simple website where they can hear a short preaching message in their own language, an explanation of the John and Romans and addresses of local churches that they can attend.


The Mzuzu, Malawi campaign is filled with 22 people. Please be in prayer for all the details to come together for this campaign. The Malawians have a phrase in their language that translates: “the only thing that is certain is the uncertainty,” for us to run a campaign under those circumstances will require a lot of prayer.


Please be in prayer for the Juarez, Mexico Campaign that is taking place from June 25th to July 2nd. There is still room on that one if you would like to join us.


In closing we would just like to summarize the last 2 1⁄2 years of the Campaigns for Christ Ministry. By the Grace of God we were able to host 2 campaigns to Mexico and one to Brazil. During these campaigns 48 different people took part in the campaigns to fill 63 positions on the teams. Together we were able to distribute over 100,000 scriptures and hold 5 evangelistic meetings where many dozens of people were saved. For many of the people who joined us it was their 1st mission trip. We are thankful to have provided the opportunity to not only get the Word of God out to a lost and dying world but also to provide 48 people the opportunity to serve the Lord for a time on the foreign field.

Thank you for your support.



In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58





A Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church

November 2021


To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins Acts 26:18a


    Praise the Lord, an amazing amount has happened in the Campaigns for Christ ministry since the last newsletter. On September 27th a team of 33 left for The “Minas for Christ” campaign in Itajuba and Pouso Alegre, Brazil. The campaign was a great success and an answer to many prayers. During the 13 days we distributed over 70,000 customized John and Romans and held 2 evangelistic meetings. Over 105 souls were saved and over 300 visitor cards turned over to the missionaries for follow up. The Lord blessed us with good health (33 negative Covid tests both ways), and a very fruitful and enjoyable campaign.


The Doucette family joined us to provide special music for the meetings and the many impromptu meetings held in the parks throughout the week. It was a blessing to be able to work with them on the streets. One particularly interesting event happened in the middle of the campaign. While two of the teams were working in a large Central Park distributing scriptures, a large storm came up suddenly. What started as a light rain grew into a storm that took down large trees blocking some of the roads around the park. What started out as an inconvenience turned out to be a huge blessing. The power was knocked out in the area and hundreds of people came to the park to see the storm damage. We had a very captive audience that had just seen the power of God before them. The two teams (16 people or so) were able to give out over 6,000 scriptures that day.


The 3 missionary families that we worked with, Bro. Matt Sherrouse, Bro. Joel Dare & Bro. Matt Mooberry were a tremendous blessing and help. Their vision and organization of all the campaign details was crucial to ensure a successful campaign. We are very grateful for their dedication and vision to reach the Brazilian people and to have been invited to work with them in their mission field.


     A little over 2 weeks after returning from the Brazil campaign, I (Bro. Dave Darling) left for Malawi, Africa for a 9 day survey trip for the August 2022 campaign. We will be working with veteran missionary Bro. David Robinson for that campaign. Once again there was an overwhelming evidence of God answering the prayers of His people. Within the first few days we accomplished our main objectives of finding suitable transportation, lodging, restaurants, sound equipment, a printer to print the invitations, distribution sites and areas where we can hold the evangelistic services. Although our main objective on this trip was not to distribute scriptures, we were able to give out at least 2,500 Chick tracts without a single refusal. Praise the Lord.


Another answer to prayer was that 3 churches came together for the first time in over 3 years for a combined service the Sunday I was there. They’re all dedicated to working together for the upcoming campaign and are looking forward to our arrival in August. 


    The Lord has blessed me to have traveled to over 30 countries from Russia to Papua New Guinea but Malawi was different than I expected. They are among the poorest people on earth yet they were thankful to have us there and were ALL receptive to the gospel tracts. It was an amazing experience. Please pray that the Lord would keep the doors to this great mission field open and that He would put HIS team of 20 people together for our August Campaign. We already have 100,000 bilingual (English & Chichewa) John and Romans on the way to Malawi now. Lord willing, they should be arriving January 20, 2022. The trip is already over ½ full so if you feel the Lord would have you to go you may want to sign up soon. The trip will cost $2900 which includes all expenses (except Covid testing) from Chicago. The dates are August 1st – 14th 2022.  As always, the goal of the campaign will be to distribute the John & Romans with an invitation to come to one of several evangelistic services that we will be holding. It is very possible that we will have several hundred people at each of these meetings. We will have some photos of the survey trip on our website soon. This trip will be more adventurous and demanding than most but also it may be the most rewarding and unforgettable. Please call us if you have any questions about the campaign.



In His Service,

The Campaigns for Christ Staff


I Cor. 15:58

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