To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, Acts 26:18a
We believe that the Lord’s command to go into all the World and preach the gospel to every creature includes not only our own communities but also to other countries that have never heard a clear presentation of the gospel or have yet to receive their very own copy of God’s precious word. The burden of Campaigns for Christ is to open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 26:18a). By the grace of God this is accomplished by distributing mass quantities of the word of God (Isaiah 55:11) with an invitation to attend an evangelistic meeting at a neutral location in their town.
The Campaigns for Christ ministries will strive to ensure that these mission trips are as effective as possible in order to reach as many lost souls in the time we have. All hotel arrangements, transportation from the US departure point (may vary by campaign) and all meals are arranged by and coordinated by the CFC staff and are included in the price. We want to equip the campaign team member to have a very productive experience where they can focus on doing God’s work without the distractions of their daily routines. We endeavor that our laborers be well fed and comfortably housed so they can be rested and concentrate on the goal. Our desire is that each one will return to their home churches with a renewed, God-centered focus to serve within their local church. During our most recent campaign, 27,000 John and Romans were distributed, over 400 attended the evangelistic service and dozens were saved!
So many people in the world
live out their lives …having no hope, and without God in the World
(Ephesians 2:12b). Because of this, we realize that a more aggressive method must be used to reach these people while there is still time. In order to accomplish this, Campaigns for Christ has 5 main objectives:
1) Coordinate with a missionary or National pastor to host a scripture distribution campaign.
2) Bring a team of 18-25 people from Baptist Churches in the US and Canada to the city that is hosting the campaign. There we will distribute tens of thousands of customized John and Romans along with an invitation to attend an evangelistic meeting at a neutral location.
3) Encourage the hosting church and missionaries or pastors by working alongside them distributing the word of God daily.
4) Help establish a new local church or strengthen the existing one. The national pastor or missionary often reaps the benefits of hundreds of individual contacts he can follow up on after the campaign is over.
5) Help the campaign team members to have a renewed vision for missions and for reaching the lost in their own communities.
Over the years we have seen hundreds of lives eternally impacted for God’s glory because of scripture distribution campaigns such as these. Many times, Christians may feel that missions are the responsibility of a mission board or a missionary. But missions are all of OUR responsibility! We all have the duty and obligation to reach the lost for our Lord Jesus Christ. The Campaigns for Christ Ministries’ primary focus is to provide that opportunity on a large scale in a foreign country. Will you consider setting aside 10 days of your time to join us? If, in reading this brochure, God has touched your heart we would love to have you join us on our next campaign!
“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”